Dec 172014


HO HO HO It’s a Gluten-Free Holiday!

The holidays can be challenging for people living with a gluten-related disorder since food is such a major focus of the festivities. With some preparation, and a few good recipes, you can have your (gluten-free) cake and eat it too!

Most children with Autism benefit greatly from simple changes in their diet. Eliminating Gluten is one such change that can benefit them greatly.

My son Hunter, really loves his desserts!

My Pumpkin Bread is one of his favorites.
Since he was small, I have made this simple treat for him.

It doesn’t need to be frosted or covered in sprinkles or powdered sugar…NO SIR…he just loves mommy’s Pumpkin Bread.

Hunter is in his teens now and he loves to help in the kitchen.

Pumpkin Bread is one of his favorite things to make.

I truly love spending this time with him baking together. I have an additional holiday gluten-free dessert recipe that is great for the home cook, hoping to impress their families this holiday season.

 It’s pretty cool and it’s attached as well. Here we go!

Click here for HUNTER’S Favorite Pumpkin Bread

GF Pumpkin Bread

Gluten-free desserts don’t always turn out fabulous and the last thing you want is to make a gluten-free delight for a holiday celebration that doesn’t live up to your expectations. (Be sure to try a few out beforehand). While many people may be watching their dessert intake on an average day and may not even partake in dessert at a dinner party, birthday party etc., almost no one refuses dessert at the holidays – making the enjoyment of their dessert that much more important. My recipe for Vanilla Christmas Trees are sure to be a hit with your friends.

Click here for my Vanilla Christmas Trees

GF Trees

Merry Christmas!!


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