Apr 102012

Whether you are grilling in your own back yard or in a park, nothing says summer like the flavor of barbecuing. Barbecues are a great way to bring friends and family together to enjoy the long summer nights. I thought I would share a few quick food tips with you. First, marinating your meats really adds flavor and make the meat mouth-watering tender. A marinade is comprised of an acidic ingredient,such as vinegar or wine; an oil, such as olive or canola; and a blend of herbs and spices. Barbecued meats freeze well and reheat easily. To add zest to your cookout, use colored plates, hang lanterns, or blend a signature cocktail. From my back yard to yours, enjoy!

Mar 162012

If you want to be able to cook sweets without the negative effects of refined sugar, honey is an excellent option since it is metabolized in the body much more slowly than refined sugar. However, many people find cooking with honey challenging. Let me walk you through the most common problems and their solutions.
1. Honey burns easily; solve that by cooking at lower temperatures.
2. Honey has more liquid; solve that by adjusting the liquid added to cakes and cookies. Pies and bread tend to not need any adjustment.
3. The flavor of honey is a bit different; this is negligible usually. However, if the change in taste bothers you remember that the lighter in color the honey is, the milder it is. So buy a lighter honey or simply use part honey and part other sweetener such as stevia, apple juice, or agave nectar.

I hope with these tips you will find that honey becomes a favorite option in your recipes.

Feb 272012

Soon my family & I will be cruising so I will take some ginger with me, since recent double-blind studies have demonstrated that one of the benefits of ginger is that it is very effective in preventing the symptoms of motion sickness, especially seasickness. In fact, in one study, ginger was shown to be far superior to Dramamine, a commonly used drug for motion sickness. Fresh ginger root is sold in the produce section of markets. When purchasing fresh ginger root, make sure it is firm, smooth and free of mold. Ginger is generally available in two forms, either young or mature.

Mature ginger, the more widely available type, has a tough skin that requires peeling while young ginger, usually only available in Asian markets, does not need to be peeled. Keep in mind that fresh ginger, much like garlic, mellows with cooking, and turns bitter if you burn it. The benefits of ginger also include its ability to be used in different forms. The ground form has a different flavor, which is most commonly used in sweet desserts and is not normally interchangeable with fresh ginger. But you can try substituting fresh ginger for ground ginger at a ratio of 6 to 1, although the flavors of fresh and dried ginger are somewhat different. Powdered dry ginger root is typically used as a flavoring for recipes such as gingerbread, cookies, crackers and cakes, ginger beer and ginger ale. Candied ginger is the root cooked in sugar until soft, and is a type of confectionery.

Aromatic, pungent and spicy, ginger adds a special flavor and zest to Asian stir fries and many fruit and vegetable dishes. Fresh ginger root is available year round in most grocery store produce sections. Ginger can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks if it is left unpeeled. Stored unpeeled in the freezer, it will keep for months. In many South Asian cuisines Ginger acts as a useful food preservative.

To remove the skin from fresh mature ginger, peel with a paring knife or vegetable peeler (I know where you can purchase a fabulous one hee hee). The ginger can then be sliced, minced or julienned. The taste that ginger imparts to a dish depends upon when it is added during the cooking process. Added at the baked apples. Spice up your healthy sautéed vegetables by adding freshly minced ginger. Or, combine ginger, tamari, olive oil and garlic to make a wonderful salad dressing.

Get the vegetable peeler.

Jan 032012

Most of us have found some sort of Italian cuisine that has become a favorite for our families and ourselves. Unfortunately, far too many of us discount the possibility of bringing Italian cooking into our very own American kitchens for fear that many of the recipes are far too difficult. Learning to cook Italian food just might make your home the favorite drop in dining spot for friends and family all over.

Believe it or not, most great Italian recipes have an easier version that can be made with very similar effects when it comes to flavor and aroma. Also, despite the commercials of old, all Italian cooking does not require an entire day of simmering in order to achieve great flavor. You do not have to let your friends and family in on that little secret though.. You do not have to let anyone in on your best-kept secrets when it comes to preparing these often simple dishes.

The biggest challenge that most Americans face when it comes to Italian cooking is basically learning a new set of essential ingredients. The cheese, meats, or grains that are used in their creation most often identify or define Italian cuisine. It’s the combination of these primary ingredients that create some of the most distinctive flavors on earth. Learn about these ingredients. Identify the flavors and study the combinations of flavors and you should be able to not only follow many great Italian recipes but also to invent a few of your very own Italian inspired recipes.

The greatest thing when it comes to cooking Italian food is that most of these dishes are rather difficult to destroy. This of course does not indicate that it cannot be done, only that it isn’t as simple as with some of the more delicate cuisines around the world. Italian food is durable and flavorful but for the most part not too terribly delicate when it comes to flavor. You can go a little heavy with some spice or cheese without completely ruining the dish in most instances. If you are anything like me, this is a regular occurrence when cooking and one of the reasons I enjoy cooking Italian food so much. Fresh ingredients is the key to an authentic Italian meal. Fresh herbs like basil can be purchased in most chain grocery stores. You don’t have to grow it yourself or even stop by a farmer’s market. Fresh basil, fresh garlic and some good quality extra virgin olive oil and you are well on your way to success.

Another thing you should keep in mind when cooking Italian food is that nothing seems to bring out the flavor of Italian food better than a good bottle of wine to match. Perhaps this is the reason that it is difficult to ruin an Italian meal, no matter how bad it is, the good wine paired with it, will erase all ill will and tastes in very short order. You will want to spend a little time researching and studying the science (though some will argue that this is truly an art form) that goes along with pairing a good bottle of wine with the right flavor combination when it comes to Italian cooking. Once you’ve mastered this, there is nothing to prevent you from being the diva of all things Italian when it comes to food preparation.

The most important thing for you to remember when cooking Italian food is not to take the cooking too seriously. Good Italians know that the enjoyment of the meal is far more important than the process of preparing the meal. Make your meal an event with plenty of time for pleasant conversation and enjoyment of your company in between courses. You should also never rush a good Italian meal or you will find that all your efforts cooking Italian will be for naught as the true pleasure of Italian cuisine has been lost somewhere in translation. For now check out this extremely easy “Grilled Chicken Penne al Fresco” that is posted on my site – more will come later.

Oct 272011

Believe it or not, one raw fresh garlic clove, finely minced or pressed releases more flavor than a dozen cooked whole cloves. When you bake garlic or cook whole cloves of garlic, the flavor mellows into a sweet, almost nutty flavor that hardly resembles any form of pungency. The smaller you cut garlic, the stronger the flavor. Mincing a fresh garlic bulb and/or pressing a clove exposes more surfaces to the air, causing a chemical reaction to

produce that strong aroma and potent flavor  (I love my garlic press – see top product picks).  When cooking with garlic, remove any green shoots beforehand. The green shoots on the whole cloves contain bitter-tasting compounds that remain even after cooking. Store garlic away from direct sunlight in a cool dark location. Fresh garlic also needs to “breathe” and allowing the correct air circulation will extend its shelf life. When buying fresh garlic, look for a garlic bulb that is heavy for its size, enclosed in dry, papery layers.

Want the perfect Garlic Press.

Oct 272011

Summer squash, like zucchini, and winter squash are versatile vegetables to use in cooking. Summer squash have thin, soft skin, while winter squash have hard skin and inedible seeds that have to be scooped out. Winter squash, such as butternut and acorn squash, can last up to a month in a cool storage area. Otherwise, they should be used within 2 weeks so warmer room temperatures won’t dry the squash out. This vegetable is high in fiber and vitamins A and C, as well as a good source of potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium. If you’re wondering how to bake squash, it’s easy. Cut lengthwise and remove the seeds before baking at 350°, about 45 minutes. There are other methods for cooking with squash too. Follow the same preparation steps – cut lengthwise and remove the seeds before cooking a squash in the broiler or steaming it on the stove.

Oct 272011

Keeping Basil or Others Herbs Fresh

Do you know how to keep fresh herbs fresh? The key to making herbs last and stay fragrant for days (and even weeks) after purchase is to treat them like the living plants they are. That means you do NOT store fresh herbs in the refrigerator. Fresh basil leaves quickly turn black and slimy, and lose their signature spicy sweet flavor when refrigerated. The best method of basil storage is to keep the fresh herbs in a jar of water on your kitchen counter

Oct 272011
Liquid Measure Conversion
  1/2 fl oz = 1 tbsp = 3 tsp
  1/8 cup 1 fl oz 2 tbsp 6 tsp
  1/4 cup 2 fl oz 4 tbsp 12 tsp
  1/2 cup 4 fl oz 8 tbsp 24 tsp
  1/4 qt 1/2 pt 1 cup 8 fl oz  
  1/2 qt 1 pt 2 cups 16 fl oz  
1/4 gal 1 qt 2 pt 4 cups 32 fl oz  
1/2 gal 2 qt 4 pt 8 cups 64 fl oz  
1 gal 4 qt 8 pt 16 cups 128 fl oz

How To Carve A Turkey

 Cooking Tips  Comments Off on How To Carve A Turkey
Oct 232011

A turkey’s not just for Thanksgiving!  Enjoy this delicious meal for any Holiday feast. Learn how to carve a turkey –   Watch a Video!

#1056 Forged Carving Set – $115.00

Hold meats steady and make even the thinnest slices picture-perfect. They tuck neatly into a metallic black, wooden storage case trimmed with the elegant look of brushed nickel. Knife, 8 1/4″ blade; fork, 4″ tines.

  • Finely crafted using a multistep forging process for enhanced hardness and density
  • Fully forged, high-carbon German steel for a perfect edge and sharpness, stain and corrosion resistance, and superior strength and durability
  • Full tang for strength and perfect balance
  • Tapered blade for precise cutting
  • Gracefully contoured, chip-resistant handles for a comfortable grip
  • Etching indicating high-grade German steel
  • Protective storage case to keep hands safe and knife and fork protected
  • Knives, LIFETIME GUARANTEE; case, three-year guarantee











Oct 232011

#1068 5" Boning – $49.00

A contoured blade ensures precision and control for deboning or removing skin from meat, poultry and fish, and cutting cleanly through joints.

  • Finely crafted using a multistep forging process for enhanced hardness and density
  • Fully forged, high-carbon German steel for a perfect edge and sharpness, stain and corrosion resistance, and superior strength and durability
  • Full tang for strength and perfect balance
  • Tapered blade for precise cutting
  • Gracefully contoured, chip-resistant handle for a comfortable grip
  • Etching indicating high-grade German steel
  • Protective storage cover to keep hands safe and knife protected